Impromptu Mini-Retreat
I’ve been going hard for quite a few months, pushing and producing and extroverting, and felt depleted. I spent a few days wandering aimlessly around the house between client calls and staring glassy-eyed at HGTV because I didn’t have the energy or inspiration to DO much of anything else. I felt like I was wasting precious time when I could have been doing something useful: either creating, or intentionally resting. I was doing neither; I was in that in-between swirly-headspace of not quite resting, and not quite not working, and certainly not playing. Blahhhhh.
Enough! I knew I needed to regroup and call in inspiration, creativity and direction. I needed a plan. Last week, I had a workday without any client calls, meetings or other appointments or errands, so while I was eating breakfast, I decided to give myself an impromptu mini-retreat. A kind of quick-and-dirty strategic planning day to re-energize myself and stop feeling both guilty (for not being effective in my work or relaxation time) and like I was failing at work and relaxing (spinning my wheels and not quite getting anywhere).
So, what did I do?
First step: keep it simple! I grabbed a sticky note and did a heart/body/brain-dump to make a list of what needed attention. What is taking up processing space in my brain? What tasks are waving at me from my desk to be completed? What is my body telling me it needs? What wants to be present in my life but isn’t? What values are being neglected? Which are being over-honoured? How do I want to feel?
I came up with a list of five things I could accomplish (maybe) in the next four to five hours or so before the child got home from school. Some of the items were quick and easy (like making a list), while others were more spacious and contemplative (like visioning).
Next: I committed to work through the list in whatever order spoke to me in the moment through the rest of the day, and let all my other responsibilities and distractions wait in the wings.
I started with organizing my physical space. I’m someone who finds it challenging to work if there’s a mess around. My desk had become a dumping ground for various files, folders, books, a bazillion sticky notes (go figure!) and was cluttered and distracting. I spent 15 minutes filing, tidying and clearing a path on my desktop. Instant improvement in how I felt approaching my work! Energy injection number one!
Next, I organized the work I do on my business during my weekly “CEO time” -- like program, tool and curriculum development; networking; blog topics and content development; etc. -- into a single list, so I can tackle it in priority order during my next CEO calendar block on Monday morning. That helped me take those tasks out of my brain and create space for more creativity to flow. I felt my shoulders drop and my mind clear. I no longer had to flip through my to do list in my brain; I knew I could find it on Monday when it was time to dedicate effort to it. Energy injection number two!
Then I addressed the next item on my mini-retreat list: Plan May long weekend. When I did my full-body/heart/mind-dump, I noticed that there was nothing to look forward to, and not much fun or variety in my life. Languishing, anyone? We haven’t had a change in scenery since last summer, when things were pretty okay here on Vancouver Island, and before the second wave hit. We’ve had a few vacation spots booked during that time, but cancelled them when case numbers rose and tighter restrictions came into effect. Like so many others, we are itching to be somewhere other than home. I quickly added another item to the list (Create FUN list!), and then got to work finding us a sweet little ocean-front cottage to rent for the May long weekend -- within our health region and following local COVID protocols.
Here’s what I noticed: It was super fun to click through the options and imagine our family in each space, until I found the one that felt “just right.” I felt a huge sense of excitement -- both emotionally and physically -- and my solar plexus was actually tingling with delight! Energy injection number three!
Next, I started jotting down ideas for my fun list -- a (you guessed it) sticky note with a list of easy, accessible activities that are purely fun, that I’d been missing. I kept adding to it throughout the day, as ideas came to me. So far, I’ve got things like hiking in big trees, walks with girlfriends, watching movies, reading outside, and daydreaming, as some of them. Energy injection number four!
Up next: my body. I’ve wanted to start (again) doing some strength training to help with, well...everything. I looked through the next few weeks of my calendar and blocked out 30-minute workouts, including strength training three times a week, yoga five+ times a week, and a daily cumulative walking goal of between four to five kilometres. Then I created a handy tracking chart and transferred my walking distances from the beginning of the month to it in order to have some wins visible (motivation!).
One of my pitfalls with new movement habits is to bite off more than I can chew, so I made a smaller commitment to these activities for the next two weeks (that’s it!). I get to celebrate what I’ve done when I get to May 19, assess what’s working and what isn’t, and create a new commitment for the next few weeks. One of my other pitfalls when it comes to movement is to create an amazing plan and then NOT take action. Huh, go figure. So, feeling super-motivated in my mini-retreat mode, I did my first strength training workout right then and there. Energy injection number five!
With the final chunk of my day left, I had another juicy item on my list: visioning. For this, I held the question: What’s emerging, in four buckets: my business; personal growth and development; writing and creativity; and health. I viewed this question through the lens of my top values -- which are currently being honoured, and which are not. For inspiration, I pulled a few cards from my Faery Forest deck (fun!) and got some messages around pausing, being still, resting and observing, as well as being wary of potential negative or draining contractual obligations. Hmmm. Interesting.
My third card was one of my favourites: Cunningwoman. She’s the first card of the deck and speaks of being silent, watchful, shrewd; to allow others to reveal themselves through their actions; to keep secrets, wisdom and knowledge until the time is right. I like her mystery, and am curious what she’s offering me right now.
A deck I love!
Then I spent some time connecting to my future self and harvesting the images, sensations and ideas that came from deep and free visioning. What those will become is still a work in progress (here I am channeling the Cunningwoman!). It felt juicy and nourishing to shift out of doing mode and into dreaming mode -- the place that doesn’t care about the “how,” only the “what” and the “why.” Energy injection number six!
To close out the day, I checked in with my heart/body/brain again, and here’s how I felt after: Refreshed. Uplifted. Inspired. Motivated. A sense of urgency and excitement. Relieved. Relaxed. Focused. Clear. Energized.
Sound like something you might want?
Well, you’re in luck! I offer a half-day-ish Tune In Tune Up Deep Dive Session where we can do the same for you...catered to your needs, of course!
Reach out if this sounds like something you’re craving, and let’s design the perfect mini-retreat for you!